Instructor | Pete Keleher |
Time | T/Th 2:00-3:15 |
Location | IRB 2107 |
Office Hours | By appointment 4-6 Tuesday, Iribe 5146. |
Design and implementation of Operating Systems, i.e. The Ground Truth.
Piazza is the preferred way to get help, whether from the instructor, TAs, or other students.
Not Used. Messages sent to keleher on ELMS will not be read.
Email to the instructor as a last resort if neither piazza, office hours, or email to TAs suffices. Include 412 in the subject or I may miss it.
Let me repeat, Piazza is the preferred way to get help, whether from the instructor, TAs, or other students.
We have eight (8) graded projects:
We will have approximately 10 weekly reading homeworks.
We have (3) exams, each 15%. There is no final exam.
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, 1.10th edition, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau. See the resources page for other recommendations, and the schedule for papers and handouts.